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WITHOUT faith we can NOT please God


As a DIRECT result of an independent denominational policy, the Body of Christ stands vulnerable and divided. Its FOCUS has shifted from evangelization to a gospel of wealth and power; the VERY same thing that Christ opposed between 28 AD and 29 AD in His father's house (John 2:15-16).


The primary objective of the Great Commission has been lost as a result of division and opposition in the 'Body of Christ'.Each denomination sees themselves as a SEPARATE entity under the banner of Christianity; a FAR cry from the commandment Christ issued to His disciples JUST before He ascended into heaven in 29 AD.


The mission of BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE is to PROMOTE the GREAT COMMISSION by focusing on the three pillars of Matthew 28:19-21: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


Christ's command to His disciples was to "GO" and NOT to "STAY" and build a business empire to promote denominational image and platforms. However, THIS does NOT imply that the 'Body of Christ' does NOT need financial support to sustain its needs in the modern age. But the financial support should rather be an EXCEPTION and NOT the rule. The rule SHOULD be SOUL-WINNING and EVANGELIZATION.


STRICTLY speaking, Y'shua instructed His Apostles NOT to take ANY money OR clothes with them when they carry out the Great Commission. Thereby TEACHING them to be SOLELY dependent on GOD for their needs to SUSTAIN the 'Body of Christ'. (Matthew 10:8-10).


Ironically, the FAITH of the modern-day-church in comparison to the EARLY church (1AD-3AD) has diminished. Those TRUE Christians were SUBJECTED to BRUTAL and VICIOUS persecution, something the modern-day Christian in the western world is NOT truly familiar with.


Our spiritual ancestors were prepared to literally SACRIFICE their lives, in order to carry out the Great Commission; a FAR cry from OUR perspective of carrying out the Great Commission.


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